Oliver Levine

Associate Professor of Finance

Howard and Judith Thompson Professor

Wisconsin School of Business

University of Wisconsin-Madison


[CV] [SSRN] [Google Scholar]

[Official UW-Madison Profile]

Working Papers

Corporate tax avoidance, firm size, and capital misallocation (with Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Best Paper in Corporate Finance, Northern Finance Association, 2022

Selected Conferences: NBER Summer Institute, WFA, MFA, SED

A Re-examination of Firm Size and Taxes (with Fabio Gaertner and Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Selected Conferences: American Tax Association

Media: Law360


The real and financial effects of internal liquidity: Evidence from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (with Jim Albertus and Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Forthcoming at Journal of Financial Economics

Foreign investment of US multinationals: the effect of tax policy and agency conflicts (with Jim Albertus and Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Journal of Financial Economics, 2022

Best Paper in Applied Corporate Finance, Midwest Finance Association, 2020

Asset Volatility and Capital Structure: Evidence from Corporate Mergers (with Youchang Wu) [SSRN]

Management Science, 2021

Finance and Productivity Growth: Firm-level Evidence (with Missaka Warusawitharana) [SSRN]

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021

Heads I win, tails you lose: asymmetric taxes, risk taking, and innovation (with Jim Albertus and Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2019

Acquiring Growth [SSRN]

Journal of Financial Economics, 2017

Are Corporate Inversions Good for Shareholders? (with Anton Bankin and Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Journal of Financial Economics, 2017

Jensen Prize for Best Paper in Corporate Finance and Organization in the JFE, (Second place)

Media: New York Times (Op-Ed); Thomson Reuters (Inc.); New York Times (Fair Game); Cato Institute (I) (II); Columbia Law School (Blue Sky)

Data: Inversion sample

Idiosyncratic Risk and the Manager (with Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Journal of Financial Economics, 2017

Uncertainty, Investment, and Managerial Incentives (with Brent Glover) [SSRN]

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015

In The Media

Newpaper: New York Times (Op-Ed); New York Times (Fair Game); Wisconsin State Journal I; Wisconsin State Journal II


Online/blog: Thomson Reuters (Inc.); Columbia Law School (Blue Sky); WSB Forward Thinking blog; Law360 Tax Authority

Think tank: Cato Institute (I); Cato Institute (II)